Counseling Corner
Message from Ms. Campisi
Welcome family and friends of CRS! You've found your way to the school counselor's corner- a site that will hopefully provide you with useful information about our counseling program and valuable resources for supporting our wonderful CRS kids.
At CRS, I work closely with the entire school community including students, families, teachers, administrators, other mental health staff in the building and community agencies. Together, we collaborate on how to best support our students through RTI, groups, check-ins and referrals to community agencies.
My favorite part of the day is greeting each student in the morning when they arrive. From there, my day can vary, as a school counselor wears many hats! I visit classrooms to provide social emotional learning lessons, run groups, meet with students, provide IEP counseling, manage my 504 caseload, facilitate peace circles, provide mediations between students, and sometimes you’ll see me flying by on the way to help an unexpected need in the building!
On the subpages you will find information about the type of services offered here in school, books that are helpful for facilitating meaningful conversations with children and community resources. Please feel free to contact me with questions or concerns!
CRS Counseling Program
The Elementary School Counselor Program at CRS is part of our total school philosophy. It is child centered and compliments learning in the classroom. Our program encourages student’s social, emotional and personal growth at each stage of development.
The role of a School Counselor is to support and advocate for students to provide them with opportunities necessary to achieve academic, personal, social and career success. School Counselors are responsible for helping the entire student population while tailoring interventions to meet the unique needs of each student.
The Counseling Program at CCCSD is founded on district, state and national standards for school counselors in order to help sustain a safe, supportive and accepting learning environment. Our goal is to help build successful, civic-minded, responsible, well-rounded and goal-oriented students who strive to be lifelong learners.
Chestnut Ridge Elementary provides a comprehensive school counseling program tailored to meet the changing needs of the school's population.
At CRS, the school counselor ...
Is a friendly helper for all of the students
Sees students for individual counseling on an as needed basis (when situational concerns arise)
Runs small group counseling sessions for students with similar concerns (such as anxiety, family changes, self esteem, or social skills).
Visits classrooms to deliver classroom guidance lessons on various topics (such as dealing with bullying, and making healthy lifestyle decisions)
Provides mediation for friendship concerns between students
Helps identify student needs and assists in assessment of students with special needs
Serves as a member of the Response to Intervention (RtI) Team, a multidisciplinary group of school professionals that reviews, develops and implements appropriate interventions for at-risk students
Organizes school-wide, positive behavior interventions and supports (such as our ticket reward program) and safety programs (such as Red Ribbon Week)
Acts as a consultant to parents, teachers, administrators and community agencies
Works with parents to help foster communication between home and school
Works with outside agencies (such as doctors, hospitals, social workers, etc.) to help obtain services and enable communication about students who need outside assistance
Deals with any other daily issues that arise at school
CRS Counselor
For additional resources and links on a variety of age-appropriate topics, please visit our resource page.
Churchville-Chili CSD utilizes school counselors, psychologists and social workers to support students, families, classroom staff and administrators.
To learn more about the district's various services, resources and supports, please visit: