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School Nurse

Every school has a school nurse who coordinates health care in the school setting, answers routine medical questions, gives immediate first aid, provides medical care according to the medical regimen prescribed by the private health provider performs and coordinates mandated NYS screenings and advises parents on immunization and mandated physical examination requirements.

Please be advised that the school nurse will share pertinent medical information with all supervising adults on a need-to-know basis, to ensure the health and safety of the child. In the event a parent has any concerns on this practice, they are encouraged to contact the school nurse in their child’s building.

For additional information on concussion protocols, medication, physical examinations, screening requirements and other related links, please see the district's School Nurses page. 

CCCSD School Nurses

COVID-19 Protocols & Resources

The CDC has released their new recommendations for the prevention of the spread of infections in schools. This replaces all previous COVID-19 recommendations.

When to stay home:

Children should stay home from school if they have a fever or respiratory virus symptoms that are worsening or not improving and not better explained by another cause such as seasonal allergies.

When to return to school:

When a person can return to school depends on the nature of the illness. In general, a child returning to school should be well enough to participate in school (e.g., can adequately manage improving cough and congestion on own, not overly fatigued), and care of the returning child should not interfere with the school staff’s ability to teach or care for other students. Students and staff returning to school following an illness may still be contagious, but are likely to be less contagious as symptoms improve, depending on factors like duration and severity of illness. Parents and caregivers should consult their child’s health care providers with specific questions about their child’s condition or recovery.

For the general symptoms described in the stay at home when sick section of this guidance, policies can allow return to the school setting when:

  • The child has not had a fever (and is not using fever-reducing medicine) for at least 24 hours.
  • Fever with a new rash has been evaluated by a healthcare provider and fever has resolved.
  • Uncovered skin sores are crusting, and the child is under treatment from a provider.
  • Vomiting has resolved overnight and the child can hold down food / liquids in the morning.
  • Diarrhea has improved, the child is no longer having accidents or is having bowel movements no more than 2 above normal per 24-hour period for the child. Bloody diarrhea should be evaluated by a healthcare provider prior to return.
  • Respiratory virus symptoms are getting better overall for at least 24 hours. Students and staff returning after a respiratory illness can consider additional actions to reduce spread.

We will not be conducting contact tracing. There are no masking or testing requirements for students or staff, but there will be opportunities to request test kits as they remain available. While universal masking remains optional, we understand that families may decide to continue to mask while in school, and we respect each family’s decision. 

There are no additional restrictions on resuming participation in sports or other extracurricular activities.

CDC Recommendations for the Prevention of the Spread of Infection in Schools 

NYSED: Back to School Health & Safety


Karen Wandersleben, RN
CRS Nurse
Phone: (585) 889-2188 ext. 6010
Fax: (585) 293-4419